CORE stands for Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Experts. When you choose CORE Physical Therapy, this means you will be evaluated by a highly skilled physical therapist that is able to treat your physical therapy-related problem from head to toe. You will receive treatment in a clean and comfortable clinic with private treatment rooms and an exercise gym.
We offer the following treatments:
Manual Therapy:
Soft Tissue Mobilization
Joint Mobilization
Manual Therapy Techniques (Kaltenborn, Maitland, Paris, Barnes)
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)
Muscle Energy Techniques (MET)
Cervical and Lumbar Traction
Strain and Counter-strain Technique
Lymphedema Massage
Prescriptive Exercises
Sports Strengthening and Conditioning
Manual Stretching
Postural Education/Strengthening
Core Strengthening
Spine Stabilization
McKenzie Exercises
Power plate Exercise
Wave Vibration
Aquatic Therapy at North OC YMCA
Sports Strengthening and Conditioning
Swiss Ball Exercise
Foam Rolling
BAPS Exercise
Balance and Vestibular Training
Gait Training
Work Hardening
Rocabado Exercise
Gait and Running Analysis
Muscle Electric Stimulation (Interferential, High Volt, Micro-Current, Russian, TENS)
Ultrasound and Phonophoresis
Muscle Re-education/NMES
InterX Therapy
Moist Heat and Ice

You’ve never known therapy like it!
Take the first step towards optimal health by calling us today and
setting up your free consultation!